Baru-baru ini saya ingin meneliti mengenai BODY IMAGE..
Buku yang saya pilih untuk mengungkapkan banyak kata motivasi di dalamnya adalah buku karangan Melissa Dodd, 2002, yang berjudul "Body & Self, take action in your quest for better body image and self-confidence"
Mari kita simak, kata-kata motivasi apa saja yang terdapat di dalamnya:
1. Self hatred is dangerous. It grows. It can become despair, an eating disorder, an unfulfilled dream.
2. There are a hundred routes into body hatred, just as there are a hundred routes into self-love. Does any of this sound familiar to you?
3. I think that I can describe it for you in an equation: FACTS + HONESTY + WILLINGNESS = CHANGE.
4. When it comes to finding hope and change in the battle for positive self-image, there is one common element: you have to be ready to make some kind of change.
5. The two biggest sellers in any bookstore are the cookbooks and the diet books. The cookbooks tell you how to prepare the food and the diet books tell you how not to eat any of it. (-Andy Rooney)
6. We must reclaim and redefine our bodies as ours. They are miraculous; we all know this. Our bodies perform wonderful feats every day. We are psychological and biological masterpieces. Our bodies are not our enemies, they put us in motion, they create and sustain life. They perform functions that are too numerous and varied to describe.. (-Christine Hartline)
7. People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success. (-Norman Vincent Peale)
8. I don't know the secret of success but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. (-Bill Cosby)
9. Opinion are dynamic. Reaction are dynamic. And people are also dynamic. They are always changing. Tell yourself, "I can't rely on the opinions and reactions of others to rule my day.
10. The most powerful thing you can do to change the world, is to change your own beliefs about the nature of life, people, reality, to something more positive (-Shakti Gawain)
11. There is certainly no absolute standard of beauty. That precisely is what makes its pursuit so interesting. (-John Kenneth Galbraith)
12. Make a decision for yourself. Are you ready to change the world? If not, accept the world as it is today and do things for yourself that will make you a happier, more successful, stronger woman right now.
13. To hate the body is to hate the self. Make up your mind to stop hating yourself.
14. I will see myself as a woman who is ambitious, joyful, accepting of her body and nice to herself when she is tired. I am a role model.
15. Remember that most people like to be around people who look real.
16. People are attracted to other people who feel comfortable with themselves.
17. My advice to actresses is don't worry about your looks. The very thing that makes you unhappy in your appearance may be the one thing that make you a star.
18. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
19. What I cannot control :
a. The shape of my body today.
b. The weather.
c. The mood of the people around me.
d. Strangers on the street.
20. What I can control :
a. I can choose not to starve today.
b. I can choose to take a walk.
c. I can choose to call a friends when I am sad and lonely.
d. I can choose to send my mail out early so that the bills get paid on time.
21. Things that I can accept:
a. I can accept that my body is always changing, albeit slowly, and that I am unhappy with a certain part of my body, I can take very slow healthy actions to change it.
b. For that matter, I can accept that all aspects of my life are always changing. Here, too, I can take small actions to change my life.
c. I can accept that no matter what I do to change my body or my life, the resluts are not up to me. There are thousands of factors that I cannot control.
22. When you give up a little control, it opens up space. That space can feel very uncomfortable but the space, and the discomfort, always signifies that there is room for something new and exciting to come into your life.
23. What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expected generally happens. (-Benjamin Disraeli)
24. "Action is the antidote to despair. (-Joan Baez)
25. Activity and sadness are incompatible. (-Christian Bovee)
Banyak kata motivasi yang bisa kita ambil, Jangan pernah kita membenci bentuk tubuh kita sendiri, karena itu sama saja kita membenci diri kita sendiri, membenci ciptaan Tuhan.
Bentuk tubuh baik itu gemuk maupun kurus, tetaplah harus kita syukuri. Dengan kita menerima diri kita yang apa adanya, maka kita akan lebih dapat menjalani aktivitas kita dengan sebaik-baiknya. Tanpa perlu khawatir akan apa yang orang lain pikirkan dan katakan tentang kita.
Semoga kata motivasi di atas membantu dan memotivasi kita semua untuk dapat menerima diri kita apa adanya...
Dodd, M. 2002. Body and Self. USA : Club Press.